
xy wishes

The genie slips out of the magic lamp you rubbed. You have three wishes.

Your first wish is becoming the type of person that did something. The genie questions if you want to do the thing. He also notices other interpretations could exist. Doing the thing can transform you into a different type of person in others' eyes. Who says type exists in a vacuum or can only be singular in nature?

Your second wish is your first wish plus doing that thing. The genie repeats himself.

Your third wish is only doing that thing. The genie questions why you cannot find out how to do that yourself.

Encourage conversations to flow into your life. You won't know what you are missing if you never reach out. Even the smartest, richest, and wealthiest people can feel like impostors. Unfinished business is more prevalent than appearances let on. Everything is relative.

You can compare yourself to others until the end of time. But if you're not doing what you want to, are there clear extrinsic reasons? If not, have you considered introspection? Questions have answers and even uncertainty is a teacher.

Thinking about practice changes its focal point from what to how. More mastery, more connections, and more neuroplasticity. There is more novelty under the sun than you will ever fathom. Infinite lines exist to read between.

What specific qualities do your role models express that you wish to emulate? Many different routes can reach the same destination. Stare at a map too long and we forget that time is a dimension too. Reducing your route to its atoms shows how unique it is to you.

Your goals are not your systems like your purposes are not your reasons. You can achieve your desired presence by walking your own path. Take life one step at a time. The compounding of minimal but consistent commitment will surprise you.