
value your health

Every niche interest grows to where someone asks one common question. What's the most important thing to value? To me, there's one indisputable answer. Depending on the interest, it can be obvious or obscure.

Value your health. It keeps you here. A healthy body lets you execute your best work or overcome your worst struggles. You only get one. I speak of health relative to what you can control. If you are ill and somehow cannot improve at all, I wish you the best. Worst case, you become incapable of doing anything because you are gone. Yet, even the departing and departed impart meaningful value into our world.

What good is your niche interest if you are not alive to reciprocate with it? The longer you're alive, the longer you can act, talk, and help out. When you're gone, you can't congratulate, listen, or ask for what you want as well. Your mind can only work with a functional body. Your personality, self, and even identity derive from your vitality.

We are social creatures. What are we without the people we surround ourselves with? Health is as much a mental and social phenomenon. Find the internal faith to hold yourself over until the end of the tunnel. Find the sense of community to hold you over through troubled times. Spin your own web of support. Ask for the help you feel you need or deserve.

Harm and hurting are also a part of life. Cat and mouse games exist all around us. Take good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. What exists without imperfection?

Prolonging your existence means more than you will ever know. Your ancestors and descendants will thank you for caring for yourself. Effects go up the chain as they go down. Do your best to amplify the sum of your worldly impacts. Pave your way toward a better life.

The future is unattainable, yet the present is ripe for change. You haven't reached the bounds of your power and time. The essence of growth is simple: to try, to start, or to do. You can only see so far out, so start where you are. Start with the smallest step imaginable. Then continue with greater steps to reap the compounding effects.

Living well is spreading your ashes now to ignite flames in others. You don't have to wait.