
squeezing stakes

Results decide races. Those focused elsewhere don't mind. Fulfillment exists beyond position. You can beat, meet, or not live up to expectations. Mistakes thwart trajectories to inspire lessons for future activity.

Elimination, impossibility, or despair can occur at any stage. Finished races were once started, but the middle isn't that simple. The gap increases when expecting a finish becomes expecting victory.

Racing against competitors implies racing against yourself. You can be your own competitor. That doesn't mean both have to occur at the same time.

Endings express unique qualities of finality and conclusion. Subverting expectations here can secure victory, futility, or defeat. Nerves get torn to shreds. Nearing your goal makes the past matter less and your present composure matter most.

Squeezing stakes is personal. They can make you drip like a juicy steak, or fail to let blood from your stone cold focus. Those impervious to pressure capitalize, reaping vast rewards unique to them.

You can't let your guard down, but you can't force it. Thinking your way through your motions is losing. Autonomous resource management grows in importance throughout your journey.

Planning your life out here and now can't always predict inclement predictions. But it shows your values, and skills needing training to elevate yourself. You have backups, right?