
special days

Inspired by Kirabasa's post, tomorrow will be special, yesterday was not.

Every day is special. Each day builds upon the previous one. The past is our foundation, we live in the present, and the future holds mystique. Yet, every day is as different as they are the same. Whether you are present or not, days continue to pass. They pass with or without your enjoyment.

Perspective can change how we perceive good or bad days. Look beyond the local minima and maxima. Appreciate a broader spectrum of life by recognizing more assigned norms. Watch them play.

Every bad day makes good days seem better. The worst days need the best days to exist. Better or worse days can change with each passing day. Vice versa. Find more nuance by tapping into everything in between or beyond.

Experiencing various kinds of days shows that you are still alive. You can still feel. That is most special. In fact, even not feeling makes feeling so special and worthwhile. The inevitability of not feeling reminds us to cherish every sensation, pleasant or unpleasant.