
sooner than later

Imagine you want to contact someone you know for help. Your asks are larger than you are comfortable sending in messages. Your goal is to become unblocked by conversation, advice, or understanding.

You don't want to intrude on their schedule. So you ask to set up time for a call, video conference, or whatever fitting exchange. They are busy or soon to be. They hear you out now for a limited time with limited focus. They schedule time or reach out later with undivided attention.

With your goal in mind, which one should you choose?

Except for extraordinary circumstances, sooner is better than later.

An imperfect conversation is inevitable. At least a remote lack of focus from both parties is too. Our minds and worlds are big spaces with many happenings, reactions, and distractions.

The quicker any or all parties can unblock themselves, the quicker they can get to work. This beats waiting for everyone to be ready to meet. You never know how far unexpected circumstances will push the exchange out. You never know what tomorrow brings.

When you get a chance to meet sooner than later, take it and make the best of it.