
push and pull

My future vision yearns for reminiscence, adaptation, and perseverance.

Besides washing away negativity, being forgotten feels like failure to me. I want to be remembered for what good I manifested, not what evil I wrought. If you remember me for the latter, learn from it and spin it into good works.

That's not my choice. I can't control history's retelling, let alone whether it's told or not. When I'm gone, future entities will alter, share, or neglect my legacy how they choose to. They will replicate this behavior for every other ancestor.

But that is my choice. I can do everything in my power to ensure a good legacy. No, not perfection. A large enough footprint on the earth.

I wish for loved ones' success like my own, if they aren't intertwined. Outliers exist, but teamwork and collaboration create wonders. Outpacing the competition with different circumstances than mine can prove costly. I can instead outperform my past and work backwards from my dreams. That sounds far more sustainable.

Hurdles and sad endings are unfortunate. After adversity comes grief. Similar involuntary emotions arise, but none of them have to linger. What comes after is malleable if I believe it is.

Stress is another monster worth routing out. Too little free time can amplify it like too much can. More resources spent on what I enjoy can help. Less resources to spend on stress can also help. How much of our stress is artificial, of our own hands?

Unclear situations warrant settling or waiting. Clear situations warrant intentionality and action.

Many dream of how to help more people, have more fun, and enjoy life more. They wish to cherish their place and belongings in this world. Yet, while nobody feels like they have time to fret over what's missing, they do.

Kindness, caring, and satisfying real needs. Expressing these behaviors can be difficult if they're not habitual. Moreso without even remote practice. As people grow, they realize that nobody bats for them best than themselves.

This conscientious selflessness helps stave away solipsism. The real world encompasses more than my mind and existence. I can only control so much, yet I can wholly control those limited faculties.

How can I better play my role in my grand story?