
punctuality is a two way street

Stifling emotions fills a bottle that stifling reactions does not. I can feel emotions as they arrive. Overreacting to lateness doesn't make sense. It makes my life harder for no gain.

Pondering reasons for lateness and other curiosities doesn't solve anything. The conventional advice of exerting one's concerns out has faltered for my past self. This practice of caring too much about others is futile. It reeks of external validation.

I could use frequent reminders that I live. What's funny is that when I mention this to others, they treat it as condescending. Little do they know that we are all one and the same. Besides, relationships don't have to transfer others' problems into my domain.

Thinking people will inform me in advance of a decline or no-show is foolish. More priorities means higher thresholds to reciprocate. Bystanders are not asking for what they want, so they will not receive. Two questions arise when reliance on others' communication is shaky. If I am not my biggest advocate, who is? If I am not putting in the work to overcome barriers, who else will?

Anyway, I commit the same faux pas among others. My standards for others should apply more to myself. Frequent contact, welcomed with open arms for mutual improvements, moves us forward. Self-inflicted rumination and neediness hinders everyone involved over nothing. Clinging to a hope they will remember yields less value with every tick. Executing on abundant opportunity while lacking free time yields accumulative value.

The best drivers don't stop and think. They drive. Healthier patterns can emerge from unhindered streets.