
lay low

Maximal transparency can be admirable. Terminally online individuals tweet, post, comment, and react like madmen. Quantified self analysts track every possible vital sign and metric of their lives. Content creators record every facet of their lives. At the end of the day, they are human beings like you and me. We're cut of the same flesh, muscle, and bone. People are fallible. They make mistakes.

Transparency opens the door for conflicts to go off the rails.

Abusing litigation and legal procedures for personal attention and gains is not okay. Cases without clear evidence of damages are still ripe for effective scare tactics. Enough pestering ruins morale. Launching threats can paint a target on your back. Little do offenders know they blacklist themselves. They lead the chants for others burning their resumes. Sometimes, little do they care. Some don't have anything to lose. It can be tempting to feel bad for captive souls held against their will. Understanding what shadow they live life under adds nuance to possible reactions. Is a failing frame, unfortunate scenario, or despicable handler at play? People involved in prior suits can claim blindsiding stress. Makes you wonder how few have support systems impervious to lopsided claims.

Cancellation is a scourge present as much in the physical world as the internet. Innocuous or spurious reasons worsen the situation. Ignoring your actions for your alliances has become a common pattern. One bad apple spoils the bunch. Effects multiply if the bunch isn't aware of their future victimhood. Tides turned by backfiring or exposure is worth celebrating. Even then, damages exist from all the unwanted and unwarranted attention. Despite its many labels, this isn't new nor going away anytime soon. Deplatforming, ostracizing, excommunication, or exile; it's all the same.

Revealing others' personally identifiable information without their consent is not okay. Yet you and I do it on a regular basis with entities, organization, and people that we wouldn't expect to hurt flies. Even with consent, improper messaging can cause severe and unwarranted damage. We trust promises phrased to disadvantage your present or future selves. Acquisitions, takeovers, and leadership changes transform companies like people. When is the last time that you remember reading the fine print, if ever?

The many rules for cultivating communities online apply offline and elsewhere. How undetectable and locked down can most people become anyhow? Fat chance. Most won't endure extreme measures needed to guarantee their own privacy over convenience. You can only tend to so many thoughts at once. Returning to a blank slate has its pitfalls too. Randoms will create false presences where you don't have one. How do you falsify your involvement? Privacy is a spectrum. That said, it's shocking how much its importance skyrockets under threat. Are you sure you are ready for this, captain?

As far as people go, a strategy that comes to mind is guess who. People playing nice is evidence for others playing naughty. Not everyone can play nice, so curate people and vet who you interface. Burn false bridges of repeated and endangering mistrust. Improve yourself to be above these and other detracting, distracting matters. Form real, strong bonds with trustworthy people first. Empathize and support those enduring known or unfamiliar traumas. Look out for those who can support you in rough times. Keep in touch with those who notice things and can detect when something has wrong.

The best disinfectant is sunshine. The best solution is people.