
good curiosities

What comprises good curiosities?

A prime example of good curiosities are Feynman's favorite questions.

How do good curiosities capture our attention? They linger. They beg for answers. They make you question your worldview. They interject and punctuate your conversations. Others reciprocate. They pervade. They captivate you in a flow state.

How do they manifest their incompleteness? They may never be answered. They may never have a definitive answer. Their answers don't yet satisfy. They hold unanswered questions within them. They create unfathomable curiosities.

How do they demonstrate their connections? They impact disparate, remote problems. They initiate and advance conversation.

How do they assist our purpose? They help achieve your self-defined goals. They engender contemplation and prosperity.

How do they bewilder? Others' ignorance or lack of understanding of them astounds you. Other people think of you as crazy for chasing them. Others watch in disbelief once you impact or solve them.

Nobody is an authority when it comes to good curiosities. We are all as much experts as we are beginners. What other qualities do good curiosities espouse for yourself? In what ways have they helped you? Do you have better examples of them?