
fuel our fire

Inspired by Andy namedropping my blog on his post, what is a blog.

Every first like, comment, or share is a testament to speaking to someone. They are fuel for the fire of creation and connection. They remind us someone out there enjoys the fruits of our labor.

Not everyone pursues this connection, though. Some people prefer to minimize or avoid interactions due to vulnerability, risk, or fear. Being present and reaching out can invite those scary monsters to play.

Yet, these platforms are ripe for genuine connection and exchange. Why not take advantage and get over those fears together? We don't have to dive into the pool. Even if we did, none of us are 100% ourselves at any given moment. We all have multiple selves. Compartmentalization is an everyday occurrence.

Creative minds think alike. Musicians adopt alter egos and side projects to explore different styles. Authors use pen names for various genres. Athletes use nicknames that reflect their persona in the game. Account names, usernames, and other identities also fit this premise.

Life's a stage, we're always acting. Why not make the most of it?

Speaking of acting, live streamers often aim to become an authority on an external niche. They could also become personable enough to span across niches. When it's just you people follow, that opens up endless possibilities and evergreen longevity.

That flexibility is why I've warned against writing too much about writing itself. Everything in moderation. There's still a broader world of topics waiting to be explored. Not only can you explore them, but you can explore them with everyone else that's interested too!

Encourage fellow community members to reach out and remix your posts. Invite readers to reply or collaborate with you on projects. Inspire everyone to engage more in what they're passionate about. Try something new and send those scary monsters to bed.

Remember, you can only do so much alone. But it all starts with you. Let's make the most of these platforms and connect. Let's inspire each other to broaden our horizons, collaborate, and grow together.