
free work

Transactional work unlocks many benefits. Yet, working for free is easy, at least for me. Skip the passivity of asking others to start what you want built. Adopt the attitude of starting work on projects you know exactly how to fix. Embrace your controllable flow state instead of waiting for others to respond. You can always ask for forgiveness later.

With free work, I don't have to worry about whether the recipient will reward me or not. I bypass orchestrating a sales strategy, knowing full well I'm not the salesman I could be. That's not an invitation to settle, but to work from where I'm at now.

True wealth is a sum beyond mere monetary accumulation. Profit off of your contributions in ways that stingy folk will never understand. Spend skill points in respect, trustworthiness, and kindness. Flip fame and intrigue on their head by paying whatever you can forward and backward. The more positivity and growth I put out, the less I have to wonder what little I impart upon others.

If you own the appropriate circumstances to opt for free work, do so. Try not to go broke doing what you love instead of what will support you. Although, what do I know? Mankind has achieved some of its greatest accomplishments through free work. Self-directed and unprecedented work.

My impact embedding itself into the universe's immortality compensates for my own mortality. Our ephemeral selves and products become fossils and historical records of the future. Yearn for remixes atop acceptance. Synthesize selfishness and selflessness.

Kindness isn't free, you have to first express it. It is cheap, not as an exploit, but in cost. Smiles, hugs, and enjoying company while you're alive is cheap. Do what you can now. You never know when you'll find their dog tags. You never know when they will disappear without a trace.