
domain specific language

I see a domain specific language forming from my blog post titles. General purpose programming languages target any kind of software problem. A domain specific language targets a particular kind of problem. I think less about the programming parallel. I think more about how my titles can inform past, present, and future content in my domain.

name your works

Including names in titles is important and memorable in ways other formats are not.

Let's take a look at domain names, passphrases, and Twitter.

Domain names are the characters you enter into your browser's address bar to visit a site. They are memorable shorthand for IP addresses. Those contain 4 decimal numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots.

Passphrases are phrases, which are only memorable to you, used as passwords. Chunking and imparting meaning into them makes them better than randomly generated passwords. They may be less easy to use than easier passwords, but those are often common and insecure.

Twitter was the memorable name of the website now known as X. X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet. It also refers to at least hundreds of other things. Branding so powerful that many in-house terms derive from it should persevere.

Numbers as titles whether 001, #001, and 1st are not as informative as they could be by themselves. Notable numbers and measurements can inform meaningful context standalone. We can do better than that.

Pairing numbers up with a name shares a glimpse, if not the essence, of your contribution. You add more agency to your audience on which of your works they want to engage. Some titles even teach the body of the contribution outright. Even randomly generated titles assist with recall and organization.

Naming your content well can improve your content as above, as below, and in other ways.

irregular expression

Expressiveness comes to mind. Interspersing hyperlinks to past content can describe my views from novel, synthetic angles. Weaving short summative phrases into natural language condenses knowledge within lines. Pairing them describes certain concepts worth conveying that are unreachable otherwise. Comparing, contrasting, or connecting their innards unearths connective output.


The titles I coin also show that I want to atomize and expound upon the content. This would unlock even more interplay. More refinements and connections mean better understandings of what I want to say.

Yes, I published this on a blog website. No, I can strive for an ontological web of information. No, I can refine and remix my earliest works how I please. Constraints breed creativity. You know the rules and so do I. So how can we break them better?