
animal content


Some notes preserve fond memories. Others get reworked over time, like how people train pets or raise children. You can fold in new insights like a baker kneads bread. Life is messy. No concrete rule enforces separate edits. Signals connect to each other in unexpected ways as much if not more than they cross paths. Other life duties can take precedence over sharing knowledge or producing new works. There's only so much you can spend your attention on that doesn't drastically change.

Preserving original material is sensible and can be achieved in other ways. For example, archive what you wish to apply permanence to. You can reflect how what you wish to say changes over time in place. Web pages covering what's happening now in our lives don't tend to include past entries. Some words are frozen in time for lack of consistency, ability, or other qualities.

You don't have to let your knowledge die with you. Optimism sees that as a choice to make. Whether that's possible is another story.


Ghost ships exist, churning out scheduled content with nobody at the helm. Even more rare is when hosting and meaningful content become perpetual somehow. There's a difference between an archive and a living, breathing, sentient site.

You can always riff on the past or the present now, and schedule that for release in the future. Let your worldview and experience tint how you share your discoveries and wonders. Think about time capsules, retrospection, and other ways to refresh the past and the present. You do not need to materially exist for what is yours to be shared. Others can take the reins with enough planning, proliferation, and luck. Others often do.

Do you have plans to make yourself autonomous?


Tempting originality traps defy how the world works. Think about how much you value your ideas over others. Apply that understanding to the peers you are scared will steal your work. They are likely too busy trying to achieve their goals.

There's too much ambiguity and spontaneity at play. With your limited knowledge, how sure are you that your idea is uniquely yours? Your future is as much of a mystery as others' thoughts, let alone their relationship to your own.

We inhabit a world built from our ancestors' accumulative work. Prior collective understanding of humanity and entities brought us where we stand today. Carry the torch on for yourself, those around you, and your descendants.


Thoughts within thoughts are worth expanding, condensing, contextualizing. Where changes happen can be trivial, whether in place or as a new entity. A single word can birth novel, concept webs of understanding. Conversation partners and parties in mutual exchanges already do this. Reciprocity among people paves the way for replication between yourself and your work.

Pull the strings how you'd like. You are in control in this domain.